Thursday, April 2, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth: A Summary


Al Gore, the host, was the vice-president of the United State in the Clinton Administration. He first took an interest in climate change in grade school and has continued to take an interest in this subject as a politician. In this documentary, he highlights the relationship between the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the corresponding temperatures over a 650,000 year period. Let’s now take a look at some of the major results of global warming according to Gores presentation.

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This most significant result we can see due to climate change is with regard to natural disasters. There are various results for this problem. First of all, the relationship between carbon dioxide and the temperature is increasing both, for example, there are many people died because they didn’t familiar on this temperatures. Another result to take into account that the increasing of temperature and it caused ice melting in Antarctica, the birds died in Europe also the mosquitoes move to higher elevations and caused resurgent redistributing diseases. Another factor to consider is ocean temperature are increasing and it makes hurricanes, and it caused sea level rise and it threatened the people who live near the sea because it destroy everything.


To sum up, Al Gore says that although the situation regarding global warming appears dire, he does speak passionately looking forward to the future with hope. His presentation concludes with parting nuggets of practical advice as to how man can play a role in curbing climate change.