Thursday, May 21, 2009

Those are my friends

Sultan saoud-
Sultan Hanash-
Salem albloushi-

English 174 (Task 6) Cool Cities

These days’ modern cities are developing in many methods in the UAE and they have planning on the cool cities. Although they are developing also they have many problems on these methods and it’s appeared now. The most problem thing in this planning is the global worming and its affects our earth. Cool cities are grate because it is reduce the amount of the carbon dioxide, temperature and green gases. Now I am going to write about the problems and solution about the cool cities.

First of all let’s look at the problems of the cool cities. The first important problem of the cool cities is that buildings. For example, the methods of constructions are wrong because it’s near from each other and it caused carbon dioxide (Younes). Another point to take into account is that transportation. For example, the cars bases, trains and planes are major problems.

Although there are many problems, also there are several suggested solutions of the cool cities. The first important solution is that the planners think and distribute the sea water in underground the city to cool the buildings (Hope).Another significant solution is that they make a new technology of transportations. For example: Solar Ships, monorail, hybrid car and LRT. Yet another solution is that they put a roof to filter the light and to reduce the heat that comes from the sun.

In conclusion, the plan of the cool cities are good although they have some problems, also they have many solution to help our planet. I think lovely to live in the cool cities because it is the perfect place to reduce the amount of the gasses and its enjoyable to safe our world.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Carbon Footprint Task 5

Blog projects-Carbon Footprints

There are various ways to measure our impact on the earth from an environmental stand point. One of these ways is by way of our carbon footprint. In the following report, I’ll define what a carbon foot print is, show how a carbon foot print is measured, show how I rank in comparison to other and finally make suggestions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprints.

Let’s now look at how best to define what a carbon footprint is. A carbon footprint is way of measuring our amount of the GHG (greenhouse gas) caused directly and indirectly way from the amount of an individual. An experts said that “footprint is measured of our activities have in the environment and in the climate change, it related to the amount of the greenhouses gases in our daily live”

Now I will describe how I measured my footprint. First of all, I went to the, and I answered all the question likes, do you use car or bus? How many members in your home? And do you use AC. Also it goes specifically in the food, travel, home and stuff and I answered the entire question.

Lets now look at the ranks of the class and I will compare my rank with my classmate ranks. First of all, I got 3.1And I scored the second high person of the classmates, after that Salem Albloshi he got 12.4, next Abdullah Salem he got 2.7 and the last one which is Sultan saoud and he got 2.2 and he is has the lowest result of the footprint, I am the second one in ranking (footprint calculator).

Now I will turn to the other hand which is the recommendation. Many people don’t mind about how to reduce the amount of the green gases. First reason is that the transportation. For example, many families have cars more than the members and it’s the most reason of the green gases, and we must use the bus or bicycle. Another thing is the electricity. For example, many families don’t switch the light off when they are not in the home (reduce carbon footprint). Yet another reason is that water consumption. For example, you must to reduce the amount of the water consumption and make a drip irrigation to reduce the amount of the water consumption(Oliver). I hope they will make a recycle for the footprint(reduce footprint).

In brief, this report helped me to primarily become more aware of my impact on the environment and take into consideration ways that I can also benefit the environment be becoming a responsible.


1-"Reduce Footprint." Reduce Footprint. 23 Apr. 2009. 23 Apr. 2009 .

2- Oliver, Rachel. "Measuring your water footprint." 6 Oct. 2008. 23 Apr. 2009 .

3- "Reduce Your Carbon Footprint." Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. 2009. 23 Apr. 2009 .
4- "Footprint calculator." Footprint calculator. 2009. 23 Apr. 2009 .

5- "My footprint." My footprint. 2009. 23 Apr. 2009 .

An Inconvenient Truth arguments


Every movie has viewers and it’s depending on the movie and for any category. Every movie attracts some people and there are supporters and critics about the movie. Now I am going to write the positive ideas and the negative points about Al Gore movie “Inconvenient Truth” about the global warming.

There are people who find the movie good and positive points and those are interested in the movie and supporters about the idea about the movie. The first point is that, according to the writer, mixed in jokes and funs even his movie to make it easy going and interesting against (Scot and Eric1). Another point to consider is he didn’t tell us that he was a presidential candidate of the United State and he didn’t make it political movie. Yet another point to take into account that he has knowledgeable information about the fact is irrefutable.

Although there are some supporters, also there are some critics about the movie and those have their idea about the movie. The First point is that he talks and focus about himself and his life in the movie. Another point to take note is that he jokes and mocks against Bush and other republicans. Yet Another problem is that he didn’t know when the pictures shot, the writer asserts that maybe the pictures shot in the dead of winter and the other one in the summer (Scott and Eric 3).

In conclusion, I think that Al Gore have a good knowledge in science, also he is smart because he attracts the viewers by jokes and talks about himself more than the information. The movie is interested because it talks about some facts in our live.