Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Additional blog

Lebanon is one of the most popular countries in the world; however it is small size country. This is because of many reasons like the history, people, cities and the position. I’ll talk in this report about the modern history and Lebanon now.

First of all, I will talk about the modern history of Lebanon. After the Lebanon gained independence from France in 1943, the power held by Muslims and Christians and they start fighting between them and the tensions reach their peak in 1975 because they killed a bus full of Palestinians by the members of radical Christian’s group. That’s why trust has been broken between the two groups. In 1982 the Israel army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinians liberation organization. Finally, in 1989 was the peace deal reached and the human and economic cost of the conflict was between 150000 – 200000 people died, a quarter of the Lebanese left the country and Beirut economy paralyzed for 4 years.
Lebanon now have a good incoming from tourism and the Muslims and Christians mixing together and be brothers. Also the foreign armies left the country so, it’s become stable. But there are some problems in the country like high level of living, concentration of wealth and the unemployment.

Finally, having looked at Lebanon before and now and the changing in everything and in its daily live its different, and now it’s better than before.

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